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中华针灸电子杂志 ›› 2017, Vol. 06 ›› Issue (01) : 3 -6. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-3240.2017.01.002


冀雨芳1,2, 武杰3, 赵明4, 马圣凯3, 冀来喜2,()   
  1. 1.300193 天津中医药大学研究生院
    2.030024 太原,山西中医学院针灸推拿学院
    3.030024 太原,山西中医学院研究生部
    4.030001 太原,山西省中西医结合医院针灸科
  • 收稿日期:2016-07-12 出版日期:2017-02-15
  • 通信作者: 冀来喜

Effects of fire needle combined with catgut embedding therapy for treating allergic rhinitis

Yufang Ji1,2, Jie Wu3, Ming Zhao4, Shengkai Ma3, Laixi Ji2,()   

  1. 1.Graduate School,Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicinel,Tianjin 300193,China
    2.Institute of Acupuncture and Massage,Shanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Taiyuan 030024,China
    3.Graduate School,Shanxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Taiyuan 030024,China
    4.Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion,Shanxi Hospital of Integrated Treditional and Western Medicine,Taiyuan 030001,China
  • Received:2016-07-12 Published:2017-02-15
  • Corresponding author: Laixi Ji

冀雨芳, 武杰, 赵明, 马圣凯, 冀来喜. 火针疗法配合穴位埋线治疗过敏性鼻炎疗效观察[J/OL]. 中华针灸电子杂志, 2017, 06(01): 3-6.

Yufang Ji, Jie Wu, Ming Zhao, Shengkai Ma, Laixi Ji. Effects of fire needle combined with catgut embedding therapy for treating allergic rhinitis[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Acupuncture and Moxibustion(Electronic Edition), 2017, 06(01): 3-6.




收集2013 年1 月至2015 年12 月山西省针灸医院门诊收治的过敏性鼻炎患者50 例,按随机数字表法分为2 组,单用埋线组和埋线加火针组各25 例,治疗1 个疗程后,所有患者治疗前和治疗后分别按照症状积分标准和体征记分标准进行评分,采用秩和检验比较两组有效率,以P<0.05 为差异有统计学意义。


埋线加火针组中显效22 例,有效2 例,无效1 例,总有效率为96%(24/25);单埋线组中显效18 例,有效4 例,无效3 例,总有效率为88%(22/25)。 两组疗效比较差异无统计学意义(Z=1.420,P=0.156)。




To observe the clinical efficacy of fire needle acupuncture combined with catgut embedding therapy on allergic rhinitis.


Fifty patients with allergic rhinitis in outpatient service of acupuncture and moxibustion hospital of Shanxi province were included in this study from January 2013 to December 2015.These patients were divided into catgut embedding group and catgut embedding+fire needle acupuncture group according to the random number table method.Patients were scored in accordance with the symptom integral and symptoms sign score before treatment and after one-month treatment.Rank sum test was used to compare the efficiency between two groups.


Twenty-two patients were cured after treatment,two patients were effective and one patient was invalid in catgut embedding+fire needle acupuncture group,and the total effective rate was 96% (24/25).Eighteen patients were cured after treatment,four patients were effective and three patients were invalid,and the total effective rate was 88% (22/25)in catgut embedding group.There was no significant difference in therapeutic effect between two groups(Z=1.420,P=0.156).


The curative effect of fire needle acupuncture combined with catgut embedding relieve the pain of the patients and worth spreading,even though there is no insignificant difference in therapeutic effect compared with catgut embedding treatment alone.

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表2 过敏性鼻炎患者症状记分标准
表3 两组过敏性鼻炎患者临床疗效比较[例(%)]
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