中华针灸电子杂志 ›› 2016, Vol. 05 ›› Issue (01) : 1 -4. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-3240.2016.01.001 × 扫一扫
Yan Li1,†(), Jiachun Xu2, Suli Cheng2, Zhaohua Jiao1, Xiaojing He3, Zhiheng Zhao2
Corresponding author:
李岩, 徐家淳, 程素利, 焦召华, 贺小靖, 赵志恒. 国医大师贺普仁教授对火针疗法的突破与创新[J/OL]. 中华针灸电子杂志, 2016, 05(01): 1-4.
Yan Li, Jiachun Xu, Suli Cheng, Zhaohua Jiao, Xiaojing He, Zhiheng Zhao. The breakthrough an innovation on fire needle by professor He Puren[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Acupuncture and Moxibustion(Electronic Edition), 2016, 05(01): 1-4.
火针疗法为我国传统针法之一, 经国医大师贺普仁教授倡导和研究使用, 现今已广泛应用于临床。 贺老以火针疗法为主形成一套完整的“温通法” 理论, 不仅自行研制火针针具, 规范操作方法, 而且, 阐释火针疗法的作用机制, 扩大适用范围, 并突破火针的古代临床禁忌。 贺氏火针疗法不仅突破传统火针的部位禁忌, 认为人身之穴皆可行火针, 头面部亦能针刺, 并将火针也应用于外阴、 五官等敏感部位; 而且, 打破火针的禁忌证, 将火针应用于热证和虚证, 并创造性地使用和发展火针刺络放血疗法。
Fire needle belongs to the traditional Chinese medical acupuncture.After the study and advocating of Professor He Puren, the first national masters of traditional Chinese medicine, it has been widely used clinically. Professor He has proposed a complete theory of “Warm-meditate method”of fire needle.Professor He developed a self-made fire needles,standardized the manipulation,explained the mechanism, expanded the application, and broke through the ancient clinical contradictions.Professor He broke through the contradiction of body position of fire needle, believing that all parts of body can be punctured, involving the face, and applying it to vulva, eyes, ears, and mouse. Professor He also broke through the syndrome contradictions, applying it to heat and deficient syndromes, and combining fire needle and blood-letting therapy.