采用脊髓打击器(MASCIS Impactor)计算机程控下精确打击制作大鼠SCI 模型,选取两组不同配穴的电针(大椎命门组、夹脊组)干预大鼠SCI 慢性期,通过BBB 评分观察行为学变化,实时荧光定量PCR、蛋白免疫印迹法检测以观察神经营养因子(BDNF)和神经营养因子3(NT3)mRNA 及蛋白的表达变化,分析大椎命门组和夹脊组的电针干预对SCI 慢性期神经营养因子表达及功能康复的影响。所有数据采用SPSS 16.0 统计软件进行分析处理,用均值±标准差(±s)表示。多组间比较采用单因素方差分析,两两比较方差齐时用 LSD-t 法,方差不齐时用Dunnett 法。以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
经电针治疗后,BBB 评分显示,与模型组相比,两组电针治疗组在造模后各时段运动能力均逐步提高(P<0.05),夹脊组评分高于大椎命门组(P<0.05)。造模后7 周,各组间的BDNF mRNA 表达量差异有统计学意义(F=451.8,P<0.05);大椎命门组、夹脊组的BDNF mRNA 表达水平均高于模型对照组(t=15.2,t=26.8,均P<0.05);夹脊组高于大椎命门组(t=11.6,P<0.05)。各组间的NT-3 mRNA 表达量差异有统计学意义(F=320.4,P<0.05),大椎命门组、夹脊组的NT-3 mRNA 表达水平均高于模型对照组(t=14.7,t=21.2,均P<0.05);且夹脊组高于大椎命门组(t=6.6,P<0.05)。各组间的BDNF 蛋白表达量差异有统计学意义(F=50.3,P<0.05);大椎命门组、夹脊组的BDNF 蛋白表达量高于模型组(t=0.4,t=0.8,均P<0.05);夹脊组高于大椎命门组(t=3.6,P<0.05)。各组间的NT-3 蛋白表达量差异有统计学意义(F=39.6,P<0.05);大椎命门组、夹脊组的NT-3 蛋白表达量高于模型组(t=3.8,t=6.9,均P<0.05),且夹脊组高于大椎命门组(t=3.1,P<0.05)。
对SCI 慢性期大鼠,督脉、夹脊电针治疗均通过增加损伤局部脊髓的BDNF、NT-3的表达,促进的神经修复和功能康复;夹脊组作用强于大椎命门组。
To discuss neuron rehabilitation function and mechanism on chronic spinal cord injury (SCI) rats.
We applied modified Allen's impact method (MASCIS Impactor, precision strike)to contribute the SCI rat models. After applying EA with two different point combinations (Dazhui and Mingmen group, and Jiaji group) on chronic SCI rats, we used the BBB score to evaluate locomotion function changes of SCI rats; RT-qPCR detection and Western-blot to observe the mRNA and protein expression changes of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3); to analyze the effects of EA intervention with different point combinations on function recovery of SCI rats in chronic phase.Statistical analysis was performed using statistical program SPSS 16.0 software . All the data are presented as mean±SD values(±s). ANOVA for comparing multiple data from different groups was used. For pairwise comparing, if homogeneity of variance was positive, LSD-t method would be choosed,while if was not, Dunnett method would be choosed. P value <0.05 was considered to be significant statistically.
After treatments of EA with two different point combinations on SCI rats in chronic phase, BBB score at each time point showed gradually increase of locomotion function in each treatment group compared with the model group (P<0.05), but the most significantly increase in Jiaji group(P<0.05). For BDNF mRNA,there was significant difference among every group(F=451.8, P<0.05),and there was increased expression of BDNF mRNA in Dazhui&Mingmen group and Jiaji group ,compared with that in the model group(t=15.2,t=26.8, all P<0.05);an increased expression of BDNF mRNA was detected in Jiaji group compared with that in Dazhui&Mingmen group(t=11.6, P<0.05). For NT-3 mRNA,there was significant difference among every group(F=320.4, P<0.05),and there was increased expression of NT-3 mRNA in Dazhui& Mingmen group and Jiaji group ,compared with that in the model group(t=14.7, t=21.2,all P<0.05);an increased expression of NT-3 mRNA was detected in Jiaji group compared with that in Dazhui & Mingmen group(t=6.6,P<0.05). For BDNF protein,there was significant difference among every group(F=50.3, P<0.05),and there was increased expression of BDNF in Dazhui&Mingmen group and Jiaji group ,compared with that in the model group(t=0.4, t=0.8, all P<0.05);an increased expression of BDNF was detected in Jiaji group compared with that in Dazhui & Mingmen group(t=3.6, P<0.05).For NT-3 protein,there was significant difference among every group(F=39.6, P<0.05),and there was increased expression of NT-3 in Dazhui & Mingmen group and Jiaji group ,compared with that in the model group(t=3.8, t=6.9, all P<0.05);an increased expression of NT-3 was detected in Jiaji group compared with that in Dazhui&Mingmen group(t=3.1, P<0.05).
EA administrations with different point combinations on SCI rats in chronic phase, greatly promoted neuronal recovery and function rehabilitation by increasing the expression of BDNF and NT-3 in local injury spinal cord,whereas, the Jiaji group had the most remarkable effect.