To observe the therapeutic effect of acupuncture method for consciousnessrestoring resuscitation combined with elongated needle on urinary incontinence after stroke.
Seventyseven patients of urinary incontinence after stroke, who were hospitalized in the Departments of First Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) during December 2012 to January 2014,were randomly divided into two groups according to random number table. There were thirty-nine patients in treatment group including twenty-nine males and ten females with mean age (55.32±11.73) years old, and the average course of disease was (34.61±10.24) days. There were thirty-one cases of cerebral infarction and 8 cases of cerebral hemorrhage in treatment group. For control group there were twenty-seven males and eleven females with mean age (56.04±9.29) years old, and the average course of disease was (36.04±11.29) days. There were 28 cases of cerebral infarction and 10 cases of cerebral hemorrhage in control group. Treatment group (n=39) was treated by elongated needle combined with consciousness-restoring resuscitation method. Control group (n=38)was treated with acupuncture method for consciousness-restoring resuscitation. After two courses of treatment,the curative effect was evaluated according to the TCM diagnostic and therapeutic criteria. Data were analyzed by SPSS13.0 statistical software. The curative effect of the two groups was compared by the Wilcoxon ranksum test with the P-value set at 0.05.
There were 24 cured, 12 improved and 3 no effect, with the total effective rate 92.31%(36/39), in treatment group. There were12 cured, 18 improved and 8 no effect, with the total effective rate 78.95%(30/38), in control group. Rank sum test showed that there were significant differences in the curative effect between treatment and control groups (W=1239.00, Z=-2.708,P<0.05).
Acupuncture method for consciousness-restoring resuscitation combined with elongated needle is of obvious curative effect in treating urinary incontinence after stroke.
Key words:
Acupuncture therapy,
Urinary incontinence
Guang Chen, Peng Zhang. Observation of curative effect of acupuncture therapy on urinary incontinence after stroke[J]. Chinese Journal of Acupuncture and Moxibustion(Electronic Edition), 2015, 04(01): 1-3.